Thursday, May 14, 2009

Assessments Finished!!!!

My mom, sister Shannon, Gianna niece and new baby Kaiden

I thought I would share some pictures of my new nephew Kaiden. My sister Shannon had him on April 25th and I was able to be in the room to experience the birth. She has a daughter Gianna who is two and now baby Kaiden.
We completed our assessments today! We were very excited to be done! The children have been working very hard and they have done a wonderful job! We are so proud of them! After PTO tonight the kids got to visit the first grade teachers and that made me realize how quickly this year is coming to an end. I am going to miss each child very much. Each class that I have had will always have a special place in my heart. Every year the class that comes through my classroom door, changes me forever. This has been a fabulous year with very loving, bright and creative children. We have around 19 days left of school and that does make me sad. :( I love each child...

Mrs. Easler

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Spring has Sprung!

Easter Egg Hunt in the Library due to the rain!

Our Easter snack- Rice Krispie treat nest, Peep and jelly bean (eggs).

Mrs. Warren reading an Easter book :)

Spring Break is over and we are back to work! On Monday we started our end of the year assessments. Can you believe it? It is already the end of the school year. Enjoy the pictures from our Easter Celebration!

Monday, March 30, 2009

March Fun!

Last week we had a wonderful time learning about our chicks and loving on them! We took time everyday to observe the chicks and used our science journal to write down our observations. We would love to hatch some ducklings, but have not been able to find any eggs. If you know anyone that would have fertile duck eggs please let us know!

Lucky the Leprechaun came through the ceiling and messed up our room! We tried making traps to catch him, but he was too sneaky. Even though we didn't catch him, he did leave us each a Blarney stone and coin.

Have a WONDERFUL week! :)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


We have been very busy in our classroom and you can tell by looking at all the pictures! I apologize for not posting anything new on our class blog lately! We have had a chef, dental assistant and Park Ranger visit our classroom since I posted last! We have learned about keeping our teeth clean, how to make pancakes and western North Carolina animals. It is wonderful having parents come in to share what they love. I want to thank everyone who has come in to volunteer. Happy St. Patrick's Day! I will post some pictures later on this week showing our room after Lucky the Leprechaun visited us! Hope your week is filled with sunshine!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

First, I would like to let Locke know that we love him! He had a difficult weekend with his grandmother passing away. Please keep his family in your thoughts and prayers. We have had a lot going on in our classroom. A couple of weeks ago Devin moved and left our class :( . Hannah G's grandmother passed away, too. We love you Hannah! Several children have been sick and I had laryngitis this week. It is difficult to teach when you can't talk! Life has happend. Hopefully everything will get better for everyone. Even through the difficult times we still try to have a blast in Kindergarten. Last week we learned about Fairy Tales and we focused on, "The Three Billy Goats Gruff". Their favorite center last week was acting out the story. They did a great job being each of the goats and the ugly troll. This week we are focusing on, "Goldilocks and The Three Bears". We are excited about all we are learning and getting ready for first grade. I hope your week is well and that you have wonderful experiences with your family! :-)

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Job Well Done!

On Wednesday Charlotte, Leah, Kavender Grace, Griffin, Benjamin and Locke presented a reader's theater in our class. They did a fanatastic job! They memorized thier lines and were very excited about presenting "Snowflakes" for the class. In March we will start learning a different reader's theater. A reader's theater is a great way to practice our reading skills, working together and speaking in front of others. In first grade the students will have more opportunities to take part in more complicated reader's theaters.

We had a very fun week! Valentine's Day is always great in a Kindergarten classroom. This week is going to be the beginning of our Fairy tale unit. We are starting with my favorite, "The Three Billy Goats Gruff"! We have props for the children to use when they act out the story. They usually love acting out the fairy tale during centers! One of the assessments at the end of the year is retelling a fairy tale and this unit gives them the background knowledge they need to complete the assessment with flying colors.

I hope your week is wonderful!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

February is Here!

February is a very fun month in our classroom! Groundhog Day, 100th day of school and Valentine's Day! We had a great time on Monday learning about Groundhog Day. Each child made a prediction about the groundhog seeing his shadow. Half of the class thought he was going to see his shadow and the other half thought he wasn't going to see his shadow. Well, he saw his shadow and that means 6 more weeks of winter! The groundhog is only right about 37% of the time. I think he is right this year, because we all know that it started snowing on Groundhog Day. Phil is a smart little animal! Today Mrs. Warren and I worked in the classroom. It is great getting some time to organize, clean and prepare for the upcoming week. We did miss the children! I hope the children enjoyed their day off. They have Thursday off too! The 100th day has moved to Friday. We will be counting, making a 100th day book and finding 100 items hidden in the room. Next week we are reading Valentine's books, making our Valentine's mailbox, making a pop-up card, making a love bug, sorting and graphing conversation hearts, making a conversation heart pattern, writing our numbers 1 to30, conversation heart estimation activity, Valentine erase a rhyme, observing what happens to a conversation heart when you put it in a cup of water and much more! Thank you for all you do!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Full Week!!!

It seems like it has been a very long time since we have had a full week! The week seems more difficult when you do not have school Monday - Friday. I think children, parents and teachers get all out of whack when it is not consistent. This week is going to be great! We are learning about penguins, hibernation, black bears and polar bears. During circle on Monday we finished an experiment from Friday. Each child was given the opportunity to pick two colors out of either red, yellow, green or blue. Then they guessed what color it would make when the two colors mixed. We then made colored ice cubes! On Monday we put two colored ice cubes per child in a cup and watched them melt. After melting the students discovered if their prediction was correct or not.
The kids are doing a wonderful job with their learning contracts this week! They are doing great being independent. The learning contract is great because they will be doing a similar learning contract in first grade. Preparing them for first grade is very important to us!
Hope your week is wonderful. There will probably be a new post on Thursday! I hope you have enjoyed the blog so far! If you would like to post a comment feel free! Thank you for all you do!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Welcome! The snow days have made it where I have time to start a blog for our class. Newsletters are great, but a lot of times I would love to post pictures of the class and tell the funny things they do! I am going to blog at least twice a week. I will be posting pictures, quotes from the kids, reminders, information, etc.
This class is amazing! I am loving this year and the children are so fun.
Teaching Kindergarten is the best job ever! Somedays I am laughing all day and other days I am exhausted. It is very rewarding and worth every minute. I hope you enjoy this blog and feel even more connected to our classroom!