Sunday, February 22, 2009

First, I would like to let Locke know that we love him! He had a difficult weekend with his grandmother passing away. Please keep his family in your thoughts and prayers. We have had a lot going on in our classroom. A couple of weeks ago Devin moved and left our class :( . Hannah G's grandmother passed away, too. We love you Hannah! Several children have been sick and I had laryngitis this week. It is difficult to teach when you can't talk! Life has happend. Hopefully everything will get better for everyone. Even through the difficult times we still try to have a blast in Kindergarten. Last week we learned about Fairy Tales and we focused on, "The Three Billy Goats Gruff". Their favorite center last week was acting out the story. They did a great job being each of the goats and the ugly troll. This week we are focusing on, "Goldilocks and The Three Bears". We are excited about all we are learning and getting ready for first grade. I hope your week is well and that you have wonderful experiences with your family! :-)

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Job Well Done!

On Wednesday Charlotte, Leah, Kavender Grace, Griffin, Benjamin and Locke presented a reader's theater in our class. They did a fanatastic job! They memorized thier lines and were very excited about presenting "Snowflakes" for the class. In March we will start learning a different reader's theater. A reader's theater is a great way to practice our reading skills, working together and speaking in front of others. In first grade the students will have more opportunities to take part in more complicated reader's theaters.

We had a very fun week! Valentine's Day is always great in a Kindergarten classroom. This week is going to be the beginning of our Fairy tale unit. We are starting with my favorite, "The Three Billy Goats Gruff"! We have props for the children to use when they act out the story. They usually love acting out the fairy tale during centers! One of the assessments at the end of the year is retelling a fairy tale and this unit gives them the background knowledge they need to complete the assessment with flying colors.

I hope your week is wonderful!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

February is Here!

February is a very fun month in our classroom! Groundhog Day, 100th day of school and Valentine's Day! We had a great time on Monday learning about Groundhog Day. Each child made a prediction about the groundhog seeing his shadow. Half of the class thought he was going to see his shadow and the other half thought he wasn't going to see his shadow. Well, he saw his shadow and that means 6 more weeks of winter! The groundhog is only right about 37% of the time. I think he is right this year, because we all know that it started snowing on Groundhog Day. Phil is a smart little animal! Today Mrs. Warren and I worked in the classroom. It is great getting some time to organize, clean and prepare for the upcoming week. We did miss the children! I hope the children enjoyed their day off. They have Thursday off too! The 100th day has moved to Friday. We will be counting, making a 100th day book and finding 100 items hidden in the room. Next week we are reading Valentine's books, making our Valentine's mailbox, making a pop-up card, making a love bug, sorting and graphing conversation hearts, making a conversation heart pattern, writing our numbers 1 to30, conversation heart estimation activity, Valentine erase a rhyme, observing what happens to a conversation heart when you put it in a cup of water and much more! Thank you for all you do!