Thursday, May 14, 2009

Assessments Finished!!!!

My mom, sister Shannon, Gianna niece and new baby Kaiden

I thought I would share some pictures of my new nephew Kaiden. My sister Shannon had him on April 25th and I was able to be in the room to experience the birth. She has a daughter Gianna who is two and now baby Kaiden.
We completed our assessments today! We were very excited to be done! The children have been working very hard and they have done a wonderful job! We are so proud of them! After PTO tonight the kids got to visit the first grade teachers and that made me realize how quickly this year is coming to an end. I am going to miss each child very much. Each class that I have had will always have a special place in my heart. Every year the class that comes through my classroom door, changes me forever. This has been a fabulous year with very loving, bright and creative children. We have around 19 days left of school and that does make me sad. :( I love each child...

Mrs. Easler